Sewing a curved hem can be challenging in and of itself, but have you ever sewn a garment that has a deeply curved front and back hem like the picture below? In this case, the seam itself poses a frustration. Do you hem first and then sew the seam and have it uncovered by the hem? If you sew the seam first, it can be almost impossible to turn up the hem at that point.

Here’s a little trick to solve the dilemma. Clip or pin the side seams until you get to the hem. Turn both the front and back hems toward you and clip or pin down.

Then sew your seam starting at the hem. (You may want to baste the seam at the hem in place before sewing.)

When you turn your garment right side out, the hem will naturally turn under at the seam and cover the seam.

Then you can tackle actually hemming the curve.

One more trick if your hem allowance leaves too much of a gap at the seam line, fold the pattern up according to the hem allowance and add a piece to fill in the gap. It will look a little funny when unfolded but will allow you to hem your deeply curved garment using this method easily.

I hope this trick comes in handy for you sometime! Watch here. 🙂